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Families often clash over a loved one’s possessions, and these disputes can become so intense that the intended heirs might not even agree on the outcome.

One woman shared a story about her mother and the legacy she left behind after passing.

At the beginning of her story, the woman explained how she was the one who cared for her mother during her illness. «Mom was always my closest friend, so of course, I was going to be by her side through it all,» she shared.

Meanwhile, her greedy brother and aunts would only visit when they needed something—usually money to cover their bills—since she was always there for her mother.

«As my mother’s health declined, one of my aunts even went so far as to contact her ‘connections’ to find a new place to live, knowing full well my mother had a real estate business,» she wrote, shaking her head at their shamelessness.

Sadly, her mother passed away.

The woman soon remembered the date of the will reading. It felt like something out of a Hallmark movie, with her brother, aunts, and her mother’s lawyer gathered around.

«I sipped weak tea from a chipped cup as the lawyer dropped the bombshell. My mother had left $5 million to my brother and aunts. I was in disbelief, trying to make sense of it all, while I struggled to swallow my tea. I had received nothing. Not a single thing.»

As tears began to fall, mascara stained her skirt, while her brother and aunts didn’t even try to hide their grins.

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