The boss called his employee’s home phone number.

The manager was left puzzled when one of his most reliable employees missed work unexpectedly without notifying anyone. With an urgent issue to resolve involving a vital computer system, he decided to call the employee’s home. To his surprise, a soft, small voice answered, saying, «Hello?»

«Is your dad home?» the manager asked.

«Yes,» came the quiet reply.

«Could I speak to him?» he continued.

«No,» the child whispered.

The manager, a bit confused, asked, «Is your mom there?»

«Yes,» came the soft response.

«Can I speak to her?»

Once again, the child whispered, «No.»

Now more curious, the manager inquired, «Is there anyone else I can talk to?»

«Yes,» the child said in a hushed tone, «the policeman.»

This startled the manager. Why would there be a policeman at his employee’s house?

«Could I speak with the policeman, then?» the boss asked, becoming more concerned.

«No, he’s busy,» the child replied.

«Busy doing what?» the manager asked, growing anxious.

«He’s talking to Daddy, Mommy, and the fireman,» came the whispered answer.

Now completely bewildered, the manager heard an unfamiliar noise in the background. «What’s that sound?» he asked.

«A helicopter,» the child responded.

Alarmed, the manager asked, «What’s going on over there?»

In a hushed voice, the child said, «The search team just landed their helicopter.»

Heart pounding, the manager asked, «What are they searching for?»

Giggling softly, the child finally revealed, «Me!»

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